I am Liberty’s Mother
My name is Sophie Alagna.
You may know me as ‘Sophie Daniels’ (my professional name), ‘Cosmo’s Mum’, ‘Rocco’s Mum’ or ‘Alessandro’s Wife’, but it is very unlikely that you know me as ‘Liberty’s Mother’… and yet, that is not only who I am, but I often think that it is the most important part of my identity. Liberty was my first child. My daughter who died in January 2011, the day before she was born.
During 2019, I am ‘Liberty’s Mother’ wherever I go. I will use my identity as her mother and speak her name every chance I get, to try to create change around the issue of Baby Loss. I do this to help myself and, (I hope), others by starting and creating conversations about Baby Loss, in order to raise awareness and raise money for Tommy’s Charity.
I am Liberty’s Mother
My name is Sophie Alagna.
You may know me as ‘Sophie Daniels’ (my professional name), ‘Cosmo’s Mum’, ‘Rocco’s Mum’ or ‘Alessandro’s Wife’, but it is very unlikely that you know me as ‘Liberty’s Mother’… and yet, that is not only who I am, but I often think that it is the most important part of my identity. Liberty was my first child. My daughter who died in January 2011, the day before she was born.
During 2019, I am ‘Liberty’s Mother’ wherever I go. I will use my identity as her mother and speak her name every chance I get, to try to create change around the issue of Baby Loss. I do this to help myself and, (I hope), others by starting and creating conversations about Baby Loss, in order to raise awareness and raise money for two brilliant charities; Tommy’s and Sands UK.
Liberty’s Mother EP
This October we will release a song called ‘I Can Love You From Here’ along with an EP, under the artist name, ‘Liberty’s Mother’. All profits from the sale of the EP will go directly to Tommy's, the baby charity.
Buy / Stream EP
OUT NOW on all platforms!
Raising awareness & money for baby loss through music for Tommy’s, the baby charity. Through research, we can save babies lives.
Please come to the EP launch: www.eventbrite.co.uk
Every penny raised goes to charity.
In memory of: Liberty Rose Alagna

This year there are 29 days in Feb. So The Liberty’s Mother Team thought, ‘why not add one more!’ and make every one of those 30 days count towards a positive goal to raise money for our cause, and to improve our own wellbeing.

The baby charity
This project is entirely ‘not for profit’. My husband and I have long supported Tommy’s Campaign who do excellent and inspirational work to create change by researching Baby Loss. Alessandro, and our friends, have run the Royal Parks Half Marathon, (as ‘Team Liberty’) and raised over £50,000 to date for this excellent charity.
Since I sang at Westminster, I became connected to SANDS who run memorial services every year between October and Christmas for parents who have lost their babies. I sang at another of these events in London and heard many parents get together and read poetry and speak of their experiences, and I felt so moved and inspired by the coming together that happens at these services, which really do reach out in an inclusive way to all concerned. SANDs will be selling the merchandise associated with Liberty’s Mother and raising money and awareness that way.
Support for Liberty’s Mother project
Jeremy Vine
Radio 2
“This is a deeply poignant song about loss and facing up to the reality of losing someone dear to you, but ultimately it’s a tribute to enduring pure love, embodied by a mother’s love for her baby. The song is profoundly moving but you are also left with a sense of hope that we can shoulder loss and move forward.”
Jane Brewin
CEO, Tommy’s
“I think this is an exceptionally beautiful song. Written from the heart and that’s exactly where it hits. A gorgeous melody in its own right, but the lyrical sentiment is utterly compelling.”
Ian Ramage
A&R / Business Development, BMG Rights Management
“Like the best songs, it’s saying something new and I don’t think I’ve heard a song express this idea of loving someone from a distance before. It’s very moving.”
Catherine Davies (aka The Anchoress)
PRS Writer / Producer Award 2019
“Thank you for sharing your beautiful song. We were all (at SANDs) both moved and inspired by it.”
Clear Harmer
“If a picture can paint a thousand words, then a song can paint a million…Sophie’s song expresses a world of pain and a universe of love in three minutes and fifty seconds…a true gift from the soul.”
Julian Marshall