My name is Sophie Alagna.
You may know me as Sophie Daniels, most people do. That’s my professional working name in the Music & Music Education Industry, and I guess I work a lot.
You might know me as ‘Cosmo’s Mum’ from School or ‘Rocco’s Mum’ from Acorn Montessori. Or you might even know me as ‘Alessandro’s Wife’ or ‘Sam’s Best Mate’
If you are from Lincoln, where I grew up, you very likely know me as ‘Colin and Jill’s Daughter’. You could know me as ‘Ben’s Sister’ or perhaps even ‘The Grumpy Cow’ if you see me at the local supermarket or ‘The Quiet Woman in the Moon Leggings’ if you go to Hot Yoga House in South Ruislip.
But it is very very unlikely that you know me as ‘Liberty’s Mother’… and yet that is, not only who I am, but I often think that it is the most important part of my identity. Liberty was my first child. My daughter who died in January 2011, the day before she was born.
For this year, 2019, I am Liberty’s Mother wherever I go, and I am going to do my best for her. I will use my identity as her Mother and speak her name every chance I get, to try to create change around the issue of Baby Loss. I do this to help myself and, (I hope), others by starting and creating conversations about Baby Loss in order to raise awareness and raise money for two the brilliant baby charity Tommy’s.
I also firmly believe that *talkingsaveslives. Let me explain this a little – If we can talk about Baby Loss more and more openly, this itself would reduce the number of babies deaths and the suffering of parents who lose their babies greatly. I would be so grateful if you would help me by joining in the conversation.
Love from Liberty’s Mother