I Couldn’t Possibly Understand

I Couldn’t Possibly Understand

It is reportedly ‘VERY HARD’ to talk about Baby Loss. I should know, I have been told this on numerous occasions by numerous people. Often by men and usually just before I am about to attempt to do it.  Sometimes this has happened when I am about to try to talk about...
I am Liberty’s Mother

I am Liberty’s Mother

My name is Sophie Alagna. You may know me as Sophie Daniels, most people do. That’s my professional working name in the Music & Music Education Industry, and I guess I work a lot. You might know me as ‘Cosmo’s Mum’ from School or ‘Rocco’s Mum’ from Acorn...
The Power of Song

The Power of Song

Yesterday, for the second time, I got the opportunity to play my original song at The Houses of Parliament. This is why and what happened… My daughter, Liberty, died in 2011 and I wrote a song for her soon afterwards to express, (or perhaps to make sense of), what to...